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Pemf physio magneto therapy on cervical spondylosis

The application of magnetic therapy in the treatment of cervical spondylosis:
Cervical spondylosis patients usually present with neck pain, muscle stiffness, neurological symptoms, etc.

PEMF Magnetic therapy can alleviate symptoms around the cervical spine and improve the quality of life of patients through the stimulation of magnetic fields.

Common magnetic therapy devices include cervical traction devices, magnet patches, etc. These devices act on the patient’s neck through a magnetic field to achieve the effect of treating cervical spondylosis.

The specific effects of Magneto Terapia in the treatment of cervical spondylosis:

Relieve pain: emtt machine pain therapy has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can alleviate the pain of neck, shoulder, and back soreness.

Improving symptoms: Magnetic therapy can improve clinical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and numbness in the arms and hands.

Improving quality of life: By improving pain and symptoms, magnetic therapy can improve the quality of life of patients with cervical spondylosis.

Although magnetic therapy has multiple potential therapeutic effects, its effects are not obvious to all patients and are still in the exploratory stage. 

Not everyone is suitable for receiving magnetic therapy, such as patients with metal foreign bodies in the skull, pacemakers, or cardiac stents, which should be used with caution. Meanwhile, patients with intracranial infections, acute cerebral hemorrhage, and other diseases should also avoid using it


Post time: Jun-12-2024